At work, we frequently use the
ModalPopupExtender from the
Ajax Control Toolkit in our projects. I've got mixed feelings about this control, and about the ACT in general, but for better or worse, I do use it a lot. I discovered some functionality in the control this week that I was previously unaware of, so I thought I'd write up a blog entry on it, along with some related stuff that I stumbled across.
I needed to attach some JavaScript to the show and hide events for the popup, but wasn't sure how to do that. It turns out that there are add_shown() and add_hiding() events that you can hook into, as described
here. I initially found out about add_shown() at this
StackOverflow page.
I then tried to hook up the event in the pageLoad() routine as shown in an example there. What I didn't realize was that you can only have one pageLoad() function, and there was another one in a master page that was in my hierarchy, so my version didn't get called. I then found out that I should change both of those to use Sys.Application.add_load() via this
SO page.
Then, I followed up by learning a bit about the differences between pageLoad() and $(document).ready() at
Encosia, which is one of the best sites out there for figuring out some of the trickier stuff when working with ASP.NET and JavaScript.
P.S. I just noticed that this is post # 1500 on my blog. There's no real importance to that, but it's always nice to hit a milestone.
Labels:, programming