
Saturday, January 22, 2011
a minor milestone
I took care of a couple of estate-related tasks today, and I thought I'd write a short blog entry, since this represents a bit of a milestone, in terms of paperwork, if nothing else.

First, I wrote distribution checks to myself and my brother, out of my Dad's estate account. This pretty much closes out his estate. He passed away in September 2009, and I originally didn't even think I would need to get a lawyer involved in the estate, since all his assets would just pass to my Mom. Then, of course, things got complicated. When Mom passed away in February 2010, I just got all the paperwork together for both estates, and went to a law firm. They have been very helpful, and we've now got everything under control.

Second, I finally filled out, and sent in, the paperwork to put my parents' home on the market. I feel bad that it's taken me so long to do this. I meant to get it done over the summer, but somehow I just kept putting it off. With the first anniversary of my Mom's death coming up in just a few more days, I really have to buckle down and start dealing with this. The home is a very big loose end for me -- there's still a lot of stuff down there that I don't know what I want to do with.


posted by Andy H. 3:03 PM

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