
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
programming books
I finished the Advanced .Net Programming class a couple of weeks ago that I was taking at NYU. While the class was going on, I limited my reading mostly to stuff that related to the class. I read bits and pieces of three books; I posted about those back in February.

I took a break from reading any programming-related books for the last couple of weeks, but now I'm looking to get back into something. I picked up Rocky Lhotka's Expert C# Business Objects again tonight. I've had that book since 2007, I think, and I just haven't been able to get all the way through it. The copy I have is now several versions behind. (Here's a link to the current version.) I had read through the first six chapters previously. Tonight, I just sat down and leafed through the remainder of the book. I've decided that there's nothing else in there I really need to read in depth right now, so I'm just going to drop it, and maybe pick up the new version at some point and start over with that.

Meanwhile, I also recently bought C# 2008 for Programmers by Paul and Harvey Deitel. I picked this up largely because I'd found some good stuff in an older version of the book that's available on the Safari subscription I have through ACM. This is a general C# book, written for people who already have programming experience. It covers a lot of the newer stuff in C# and .Net that I haven't really had time to pick up, since I first learned this stuff back in the days of .Net 1.1 -- LINQ, generics, WPF, and so on. I'm thinking I should probably put this book on top on my reading list, since there's a lot of stuff in there that could actually be useful to me at work.

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posted by Andy H. 10:00 PM

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