
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
more iPod Touch and MobileMe stuff
I see that Apple is extending all MobileMe subscriptions by 30 days to make up for the hiccups in the first few days of the service. That's nice of them. MobileMe is working OK for me now. I've input stuff on the web, on my Mac, and on my iPod, and the sync is working fine no matter where I enter stuff. I'd still like to get the birthday issue straightened out though.

When I set up the 2.0 software on my iPod, I initially turned on "push". That works well, but really drains the battery. I've got "pull" turned on now instead, and I've got the thing configured to check once an hour. I hope that'll clear up the battery issues. I wonder if they could make the pull functionality work a bit more intelligently, so it doesn't kill battery life.

I've looked around at a number of productivity apps for the iPhone / iPod Touch. I haven't found one that looks like it's all the way there yet, for what I need. There are a few interesting apps that don't actually sync with their desktop counterparts yet. Things is a good example. Ditto for Dejumble.

I think my preference right now would be to have an iPhone version of DevonThink, Backpack, or maybe Yojimbo. With full sync, of course. I'm not sure any of these apps are going to get iPhone versions soon, though.


posted by Andy H. 10:01 PM

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