
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
WonderCon odds and ends
A few random things I didn't mention in my previous WonderCon posts:

The Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon looks like it'll be worth watching. I like the design work and animation. It's got a distinctive style that works well without being obviously derivative of any other cartoons out there right now.

Outside of the con, I finally got around to visiting SF MOMA. It's not a huge museum, but they've got some nice stuff. The Matisse and Beyond exhibit had some nice pieces in it.

At the Bill Willingham panel, he read a short passage from an upcoming Fables book. This was, of course, cool in and of itself, but also cool is that he read it from a Sony Reader. He mentioned that he was interested in the Kindle, but knew he could get his hands on the Sony device quicker, so he went with that one. He seemed to be pretty happy with it, except for one quirk he mentioned regarding the sorting of books by Author name. He said that it sometimes put his stuff under "Willingham, Bill" and sometimes under "Bill Willingham" and he wasn't sure why.


posted by Andy H. 7:58 PM

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