
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Rainy, Windy WonderCon
It's Sunday morning in San Francisco, and the big storm is hopefully going to peter out today. At some point, I'll have to leave the hotel and meander down to the Moscone Center. Hopefully, I won't get too wet doing that. I had a good day at the con yesterday, but I got pretty wet coming back from the convention center at the end of the day. I wound up watching the Chinese New Year parade on TV and ordering a burger from room service.

Friday and Saturday were both good days at the con. I saw Bill Willingham on Friday. I haven't been reading Fables, but I picked up the first trade at some point last year, and it's in my reading pile. I picked up a couple more trades yesterday, at half-price, then ordered a few more from Amazon, so I'll have the first six volumes to read.

I picked up the first four trades of Robert Kirkman's Invincible series at half-price yesterday too. That's another series I've been meaning to read, but just haven't gotten around to.

I saw JMS at a few panels: his spotlight panel, a writing panel, and one of the DC panels. He's involved in some pretty cool stuff right now. He's got several film projects going on, including the film version of World War Z, which sounds like it ought to be fun. On the comics front, he said that he'd continue doing some work for Marvel, but he's no longer exclusive to them, and he'll now be working for DC also. He didn't say what he'd be working on at DC though. And he said he's got a couple of creator-owned projects in the works that will be published by Image. All good stuff. It sounds like there's a possibility of more Babylon 5 DVD projects, given the sales on the Lost Tales DVD, so that's also good news.


posted by Andy H. 11:59 AM

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