
Sunday, December 02, 2007
new MacBook
I bought a new MacBook today. I got the white 2.2 GHz / 120 GB HD model. This is my first Intel mac, so that's the major difference for me between the new machine and my old G4 iBook. I'm liking it so far. The keyboard is taking a while to get used to, but it's working fine, and I don't think I'll have any long-term problems with it. The screen is smaller than the iBook, but it's a little higher resolution (1280 x 800). That leaves me with slightly smaller type on screen for some things, but that hasn't been a problem (yet) either.

I was going to buy a custom MacBook from the Apple web site, and go for 2 GB of RAM and a 250 GB drive, but then I saw that I could get 2GB of RAM for about $50 from Crucial, vs. paying Apple $150. And I can probably get a 250 GB drive for less than what Apple is charging, if I decide I really need it at some point.

I bought the machine from Best Buy, online, for store pickup. That worked out pretty well. I actually got $10 off, since they didn't have the machine ready for me when I came to pick it up.

I have a few apps that haven't been upgraded in a while; while they all work on the Intel Mac, they're probably not working as well as they could. FolderShare was a little flaky even on the old iBook, and hasn't been updated for Intel, but I think it's working OK now, since I turned off encryption and compression, per some advice on the FolderShare message boards. I've been using Juice to download podcasts for a long time. It doesn't seem like they've got a Universal Binary out either. The PowerPC version works fine, but it's a bit slow. And I've switched over from an old organizer program called iOrganize to DevonThink, which is definitely up-to-date. I also had to apply a patch to KeePassX to get it to work on Leopard.

Overall, not that much grief, considering I'm switching to a new machine, a new processor, and a new OS version.

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posted by Andy H. 6:44 PM

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