
Saturday, July 07, 2007
more phone stuff
Okay, this is hopefully the last post on my phone for a while. (See previous posts for context.) I went out last week to find an adapter to allow me to use a normal pair of headphones with the phone, for listening to music on it. It turns out that a normal $5 Radio Shack adapter, plugged into the Motorola USB adapter, only allows sound to come through one channel. I'm not 100% sure why this is, but it's annoying. For now, I decided to just give up, and bought a pair of Motorola headphones that plug directly into the USB jack on the phone. They cost $30 from Best Buy. The sound is pretty good, but the earbud design doesn't fit my ears that well.

Looking around on the internet now, I think I could have just bought something like this, but I didn't see it in either Best Buy or Radio Shack last week, so I'd probably have to mail-order it. I may still do that, though I don't think I can return the earphones now, since I tossed all the packaging.


posted by Andy H. 11:40 AM

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